The Path release date

The Path will be released on 18 March 2009, exactly ten years after Auriea and I met in person for the first time and launched our first collaborative project. We are planning to repeat this event in one month from a room in the exact same hotel in San Francisco, with The Path. There will be no witnesses.

To celebrate the announcement, we have opened a new website for The Path:

go to

with a personal page for every Red Girl, screenshots, videograbs and quotes from the game and pictures of the creators as teenagers!!!

The Path will be available for purchase and download form our own website, from Direct2Drive and from Steam. As of March 18. There’s a countdown here. 😉

Free song from The Path

Jarboe and Kris Force have created the first track of what we hope will become The Original Soundtrack of The Path, simply entitled Safe Song. You can listen to it here or download it here.
I say “created” because in the game, the music is completely dynamic and never the same twice. So this linear song is only an approximation of the experience of the music in the game. A distillation of its perfume. Like a blossom picked from a tree. :)

Interview with Chris Bateman

Chris Bateman

Chris Bateman is the designer behind Discworld Noir, Ghost Master, Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition and many others (videogames as well as board games). With the exception of the independently developed Play with Fire, he works mostly as a designer “pur sang” in the sense that he seldom initiates a project or comes up with the basic themes for a game but instead works in a much more applied fashion, like a furniture designer would or a fashion designer. We hired him ourselves in that capacity when we were working on “8” and he did a spectacular job, saving us from having to design the actual gameplay ourselves (which, as you may know, is something we detest 😉 ).

That being said, by now, Mr. Bateman is probably much better known as a provocative games theorist, philosopher and even economic analyst on his fascinating blog Only a Game. He’s currently finishing up his second book on game design. But it is reading his first book “21st Century Game Design” that prompted this interview. In this book Chris Bateman and Richard Boon map the play behaviour of different people to their psychological profiles and come to the conclusion that different people play in different ways. As logical as this may sound, it is one of the most ignored aspects of the medium in the videogames industry. So much so that one company who recognized this was able to outclass and outsell two other companies while they were comparing the size of their consoles and with products that were technically inferior. That company was Nintendo and the success of its strategy was predicted by Mr Chris Bateman.

To learn why there’s more to videogames than first person shooters, what the commercial opportunities are in experimental games and why the Sims and Grand Theft Auto remain unrivaled and unparalleled:

Read the interview!

The Path preview on IGN

The Path preview on IGN

Warning: SPOILERS!

The discussion of some of these plot points might be considered spoilers in other games but since the focus of The Path is squarely on your visceral reactions and not to the actual narrative importance of the events themselves, we can be fairly specific about what happens without ever really compromising the experience that the designers intended.

Steve Butts, “The Path Hands-On”

The Path preview on Game Informer


Meagan VanBurkleo was so nice as to publish a preview of The Path on the website of Game Informer (probably the biggest computer magazine in the world). We let her play a beta version of the game and she reports on the experience. Warning: spoilers!

And meanwhile, we are closing in on a launch date for The Path! The exact date isn’t determined yet but unless something unforseen happens we believe the game will be ready in March or April! We’ll let you know as soon as we do!

10 years

If you stick around here long enough, you’ll find that Michael and I are pretty big on anniversaries and holidays. We have many personal anniversaries, we make up new ones all the time ;), and we celebrate them all. Today marks the 10th anniversary of the very very very first project we eeeeeeeevvvver made together. A website called ‘skinonskinonskin.’
It is basically a website of interactive loveletters. The site is still online, though it’s difficult if not impossible to view, and the site has several complex stories behind it and attached to it. But that’s for the archeologists now. For you, I have some of the images.

and for us…. I wish a lifetime.