The Path to Russia

Компания ““, крупнейший издатель компьютерных и видеоигр в России, выпустит русскую версию The Path в странах бывшего Советского Союза. Это значит, что
жители Беларуси, России, Эстонии, Латвии, Литвы, Азербайджана, Грузии, Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Молдавии, Таджикистана, Туркменистана и Узбекистана первыми в
мире смогут купить произведение Tale of Tales в обычных магазинах!
Российская пресса и публика проявили немалый интерес к The Path. В прошлом месяце было опубликовано подробное превью в “Стране Игр“, в свежем номере
Игромании” есть материал об игре на двух страницах. Также вышли превью на сайте Stop Game и статья в PDF-журнале “Охота на точки“. И это наверняка неполный
Дата выхода русской версии пока неизвестна, но мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы вы получили ее как можно быстрее.

English translation after the cut.
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The Graveyard on Steam

The Graveyard on Steam

Steam does a bit for independent game developers what an art gallery does for fine artists. It offers a commercial channel and, perhaps more importantly, a certain recognition of your work. At least that’s how it feels sometimes when people congratulate us when getting our game on Steam.

The uncanny, the unlikely, the strange, the incomprehensible, the silly, the crazy, the irresponsible, the weird has just happened: our little pièce de controversy The Graveyard has just been published on Steam. This sort of completes the project. The snake bites its own tail. The punchline is out. It brings a tear to our eyes.

Even if you had already purchased The Graveyard here (many many thanks for that!), we think you should buy it again on Steam. Just for the heck of it. Just to see “The Graveyard” in between “Half Life 2”, “Left 4 Dead” and “Counter-Strike” in your games list. For 4.99 US Dollars. It’s worth it!

The Graveyard at Mediamatic, Amsterdam

Rather rude of us not to have mentioned it before now -.- BUT
The Graveyard is currently part of an exhibition called “Ik R.I.P” at Mediamatic!
Its an experiential deathbed playground, fairly intense looking (and silly also as it is hard to think about death without some humor, that would be too depressing.)

And here’s a description.

What happens to your online profile after you die? Do you want it to remain online, so friends can leave a message in your memory? Or do you prefer having it deleted, so no confusion can arise about your death? These questions are the inspiration for the new exhibition Ik R.I.P., the third in the series about self-representation on the internet.
With The Travelers, a series of death portraits by Elizabeth Heyert, coffins from Ghana, the computergame The Graveyard, ‘test-dying’ in a casket, the new website and more…
Opening hours: Wed – Fri from 12.00 to 19.00 hrs, and Sat + Sun from 12.00 to 18.00 hrs.

The show is running til April 12th.
more info here.

Description of the show on We Make Money Not Art.

I’d say it clearly is a game, but one which hits a somber note that is fairly hard to achieve in this medium.
Plugimi about “The Graveyard”

IndieCade Call for Submissions

IndieCade is a very interesting festival for wide variety of independently created games. We’re happy to say that we have been part of the festival (both as developers and jurors) at several occasions. So we encourage everyone who’s making something that is perhaps to special or strange for the usual game channels to submit their projects. IndieCade is quickly growing in size and importance and is run by some of the nicest and smartest people in gaming.

IndieCade invites independent game artists and designers from around the world to submit interactive media of all types – from art to commercial, ARG to abstract, mind-bending to mobile, serious to shooter, as well as academic and student projects – for consideration. Work-in-progress is encouraged.

A diverse jury of creative and academic leaders will select entries for top prizes at the IndieCade 2009 Festival. All entries for the Festival will also receive consideration for presentation at all 2009 IndieCade international exhibitions including:
IndieCade 2009 Events:
IndieCade @ E3, Los Angeles (June 2-5)
IndieCade Asia TBA
IndieCade @ SIGGRAPH, New Orleans (Aug 5-7)
IndieCade 2009 (Oct 1-10)
IndieCade Europe, GameCity, UK (Oct 26-29)

Submissions Deadline: April 30, 2009 at Midnight PST.

For more information and to enter:

Italian preview of the Path

It’s like the beta of The Path is making a tour through Europe. Claudio Todeschini wrote an interesting preview on Games Village about how The Path is not exactly fun and offers a deep emotional experience instead. He explores his confusion further in an editorial article about the meaning of the word videogame.

It’s nice to see how much thought our little project can provoke. Though we personally think The Path can be fun. Perhaps just a different kind of fun.