That means discounts!
Six years ago, on a freezing snowy day like today (at least that’s how I remember it), the document that founded “Tale of Tales BVBA” was officially published. To celebrate our anniversary, we’re discounting our three commercially available downloads for the week. As a lucky coincidence, this means you can still get a quick and cheap and very original Christmas gift for your loved ones!
From now until next Saturday, you can get The Path for 6.66 US Dollars (30% off).
Available from the regular page.
Plus, The Graveyard and FATALE are bundled together for 6 US Dollars (50% off!).
Available only through these links:
FATALE/The Graveyard bundle for 6$ PC version
FATALE/The Graveyard bundle for 6$ Mac version
These offers are valid until 26 December.
Happy Birthday, ToT.
I’m taking the chance to give away your works to some friends that tend to feel uncomfortable with internet money transactions. Thank you for discounting your games again and congratulations for your anniversary!
Nice christmas gift, thanks guys!
This are great news, thanks for the discounts, have to give them all a try. Congratulations =)
Happy Birthday, Tale-of-Tales! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thank you for discounting your games again and congratulations for your anniversary