We are pleased as punch to announce that The Endless Forest deviantART fan club lead by Jen Stuber, has once again made a Calendar filled with beautiful artwork from players who love the game. It’s pretty freakin awesome!! Michael and I don’t have enough exclamation points!
All cash raised goes directly to help to fund the future of The Endless Forest. I think we can count ourselves fortunate to have such a sweet and talented player community!
buy the Calendar on deviantART
And speaking of the community… The Endless Forest community website has received an overhaul these past weeks. The community site is a very lively place where TEF players of all ages can meet each other outside the game.

Hard for me to believe but TEF will have been going for 5 years in 2010. Thanks to MUDAM for continuing to support us with the game server hosting. They have been great. Anyway, maybe for the TEF 5th anniversary we’ll have to have a big party. In the forest, of course! 😉
I don’t mean to nitpick, but my last name is spelled Stuber. Only one letter off. 😉 The calendar is so full of amazing artists once again!
I’m looking forward to that 5 year party! I can’t believe it’s been that long, even though I haven’t been around the entire time!
oops fixed! (yeah i hate it when my name gets misspelled too ;>)
Can’t wait to get our copy of the calendar! ordered it the other day, wonder how long its going to take…
I feel honestly impressed with the calendar (even if the quality of images would be half or even 25% this good, I would still be impressed with effort of your fanbase). Bow