The Path preview on IGN

The Path preview on IGN

Warning: SPOILERS!

The discussion of some of these plot points might be considered spoilers in other games but since the focus of The Path is squarely on your visceral reactions and not to the actual narrative importance of the events themselves, we can be fairly specific about what happens without ever really compromising the experience that the designers intended.

Steve Butts, “The Path Hands-On”

The Path preview on Game Informer


Meagan VanBurkleo was so nice as to publish a preview of The Path on the website of Game Informer (probably the biggest computer magazine in the world). We let her play a beta version of the game and she reports on the experience. Warning: spoilers!

And meanwhile, we are closing in on a launch date for The Path! The exact date isn’t determined yet but unless something unforseen happens we believe the game will be ready in March or April! We’ll let you know as soon as we do!