Portugese interview

There’s a three page interview with us on MyGames e-zine, translated to Portugese. A beautiful language. Wish I could understand it. Hope we don’t sound silly.

Embossed logo of The Path

Read it here, if you can.

4 thoughts on “Portugese interview”

  1. I recently found out about Tale of Tales and am already enjoying Eternal Forest. It’s great to see you guys enjoy both fields I am involved with, being indie games (as I write a column for a Brazilian website) and an interest for Portuguese. It’s nice to see you find the language beautiful and carnival as well. Can’t say I’m too fond of carnival, but it does have a huge impact on our culture. Congratulations for such incredible accomplishments. Keep them coming, so we show people how games can truly be viewed as art.

  2. Don’t worry the interview is interesting, and as you can see it’s helping in spreading the Path word :)

    From the interview I would like to highlight this sentence that defines the core of all you work, and explains why I’m so interested in the things you do.

    “Nós desenvolvemos o The Path como uma peça de arte, a partir de uma forte visão artística.”

    [We developed The Path as a piece of art, founded in a strong artistic vision]

    all the best

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