Euro Gamer, Multi Player, Zombie Girls & more


The Path is a strange, unusual, progressive and unique game, which may even be important for the industry and the development of the form in a handful of ways. It’s also so arty that it makes Braid look like 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand.

Kieron Gillen on Eurogamer

Non ci sono buoni o cattivi, ma c’è soltanto l’esperienza in quanto tale e la crescita, di cui fanno parte il sesso, il sogno e tutti gli altri elementi che caratterizzano la vita umana. Inoltre c’è lo smarrirsi, ovvero la necessità di perdersi per ritrovare – e accettare – il proprio io.

Simone Tagliaferri on

First I thought the moral might be “Shit happens,” but then I rethought my stance and it seemed more like, “Life sucks, then you die.” I rethought that one too, thinking more on the “this is a game about growing up” angle.

Voodoo Girl on Zombie Girls Online

Opera matura, di transizione tra il videogioco come puro e semplice intrattenimento di serie B e la vera dimensione artistica, poetica e autoriale che questo strumento espressivo ormai merita a pieno titolo.

Sebastiano Pupillo on

Local enthusiasm:
The Path in Chief magazine

The Path is een vooruitstrevende game die België op de kaart zet en brandhout maakt van de vele gerecycleerde concepten die de winkelrekken vullen. We kunnen fier zijn.

Stijn Bolle in Chief

And two interviews:

Si le rectangle de l’écran de cinéma est une fenêtre à travers laquelle nous entrevoyons une partie du monde, peut-être alors que l’écran de jeu vidéo occupe une fonction de porte à travers laquelle nous pouvons entrer dans ce monde.

Interview with Louis Filiatrault on Panorama

For us, a game is good when it allows us to play, when it makes us think and feel something, when it makes us discover something about life, when we feel the pure joy of immersion, etc.

Interview with Mark Newheiser on Adventure Classic Gaming

Meanwhile guerilla-marketing hits De Balie in Amsterdam.

5 thoughts on “Euro Gamer, Multi Player, Zombie Girls & more”

  1. I’d be interested to know if you saw a corresponding sales spike when Eurogamer posted their review. It’s an extremely popular website in the UK.

  2. >I thought for a second that “Multi Player, Zombie Girls” where new gameplay features 😉

    Those are old features, I believe. Am I the only one who actually tried co-op?

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