What big eyes you have, Herod!

Salome, come drink a little wine with me. I have here a wine that is exquisite. Caesar himself sent it me. Dip into it thy little red lips, that I may drain the cup.
– I am not thirsty, Tetrarch.

Salome, come and eat fruits with me. I love to see in a fruit the mark of thy little teeth. Bite but a little of this fruit, that I may eat what is left.
– I am not hungry, Tetrarch.

Salome, come and sit next to me. I will give thee the throne of thy mother.
– I am not tired, Tetrarch.

Dance for me, Salome.
– I have no desire to dance, Tetrarch.

I command thee to dance, Salome.
– I will not dance, Tetrarch.

– from Oscar Wilde’s play Salome