The Path Experience. YBCA, San Francisco.

It was Tuesday March 24th. The game had only been out for a week. There had been a few reviews but nothing compared to the deluge we’ve had since we got back home. Lots of people were in town for the Game Developers Conference. We invited about 80 people, friends and press, to meet us at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts for a reception and live performance of the game, which up til then most of them had never seen.

This was the very very first time all the people who worked on the game were together. (Hans Zantman, who was the technical artist on the game couldn’t come to SF but) Michael and I and Laura Raines Smith and Kris Force and Jarboe were all there. It was amazing to see everyone together after working long distance off and on for 2 years!

Everyone had their part to play during that evening. After a bit of bread and wine we lead the crowd up to the Screening Room, a little cinema in the YBCA.

I gave greetings and introduced all collaborators. Then, Laura and Michael did the intro of all the characters. After that, the lights dimmed and main event started. I played the game on the big screen while Kris wove an ambient soundscape from the game soundtrack. Jarboe sang everyone a Lullaby and told them the tale of Little Red Ridinghood as only she can. The performance lasted for about 45 minutes. A lovely time was had by all. It was atmospheric and just a bit frightening. But then, that’s how we like things on The Path. 😉

Thanks to Amy, Lisa, Jose and Guy at the YBCA for all their good humor and help to pull this event off! Thanks to Creative Capital for their sponsorship. And special thanks to Michael Jennings and his crew at Small Potatoes catering for bringing all that bread!

We had so much fun doing the event that we do desire to do it again sometime. The combination of game and live performance was inspiring for us!

Euro Gamer, Multi Player, Zombie Girls & more


The Path is a strange, unusual, progressive and unique game, which may even be important for the industry and the development of the form in a handful of ways. It’s also so arty that it makes Braid look like 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand.

Kieron Gillen on Eurogamer

Non ci sono buoni o cattivi, ma c’Ăš soltanto l’esperienza in quanto tale e la crescita, di cui fanno parte il sesso, il sogno e tutti gli altri elementi che caratterizzano la vita umana. Inoltre c’Ăš lo smarrirsi, ovvero la necessitĂ  di perdersi per ritrovare – e accettare – il proprio io.

Simone Tagliaferri on

First I thought the moral might be “Shit happens,” but then I rethought my stance and it seemed more like, “Life sucks, then you die.” I rethought that one too, thinking more on the “this is a game about growing up” angle.

Voodoo Girl on Zombie Girls Online

Opera matura, di transizione tra il videogioco come puro e semplice intrattenimento di serie B e la vera dimensione artistica, poetica e autoriale che questo strumento espressivo ormai merita a pieno titolo.

Sebastiano Pupillo on

Local enthusiasm:
The Path in Chief magazine

The Path is een vooruitstrevende game die België op de kaart zet en brandhout maakt van de vele gerecycleerde concepten die de winkelrekken vullen. We kunnen fier zijn.

Stijn Bolle in Chief

And two interviews:

Si le rectangle de l’Ă©cran de cinĂ©ma est une fenĂȘtre Ă  travers laquelle nous entrevoyons une partie du monde, peut-ĂȘtre alors que l’Ă©cran de jeu vidĂ©o occupe une fonction de porte Ă  travers laquelle nous pouvons entrer dans ce monde.

Interview with Louis Filiatrault on Panorama

For us, a game is good when it allows us to play, when it makes us think and feel something, when it makes us discover something about life, when we feel the pure joy of immersion, etc.

Interview with Mark Newheiser on Adventure Classic Gaming

Meanwhile guerilla-marketing hits De Balie in Amsterdam.

Many more reviews of The Path

We definitely cannot complain about the attention our little game is getting. Nor about the appreciation for it. We’re quite proud of our little Red Girls. And frankly, of the games press and blogs as well. Makes us feel a lot more comfortable, far away from museums and galleries. :)

Tale of Tales set out to make a horror game and this they have pulled off spectacularly.

Michael Rose on

What I do know is that for as indefinable as The Path may be, I find myself thinking about it long after I stop playing. The Path is an odd, but beautiful experience that gives me hope for what games can be.

Susan Arendt in The Escapist

The fog and lighting serve to generate an ethereal sense of surrealism, while the stylized characters reinforce the unique quality of being in a sort of fable.

Dan Liebman on Dark Zero

The Path represents a prime paradox in the world of games. It is simple to play, but incredibly deep in its execution. It’s mystical, often perplexing, and more disturbing than pleasant.

Dan Liebman on Game Zone

I sing in praise of The Path, a game that realizes – if only in fleeting brilliant flashes – the personal, expressive interactive storytelling experience video games have long aspired to communicate.

Michael Abbott in The Brainy Gamer

Mysterious, brutal and beautiful, this game tells a childhood story so dark it truly delivers the original spirit of the fairy tales, in all its grisly glory.

Allen Cook on Gamers with Jobs

This game succeeds at appealing to an audience segment that does not usually play games, and in a baroque and crafted way that many hardcore gamers relish about their chosen genres, not in some watered-down, Wii Fit kind of a way. It is, in other words, an important benchmark for the high’s evolution into the true mainstream, beyond this indie-games-versus-blockbuster-games false dichotomy, I’m talking about those extra billions who could really be succored by interactivity, but have been ignored.

Patrick Dugan (+ girlfriend) on Play this Thing

This is the game that real gamers scream for at the top of their lungs. This is something new. This is what needs to be heralded from rooftops, shown to every new developer; when you bought FEAR or Doom, you didn’t know it, but that disgust on your face was you screaming “WHY CAN’T YOU BE THE PATH?!?!?!!”

Ophilye on Couple Gaming

The Path is almost certainly the most significant videogame that will be released this year, in terms of evolving the form of what videogames are capable of.

Iain McCafferty on his personal blog

And all of this happens in other languages as well.

“The Path” ist selbstverstĂ€ndlich ein Spiel, und als solches ein faszinierender Beweis dafĂŒr, dass das junge Medium noch zahllose unerforschte Erfahrungen und Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten anzubieten hat.

Rainer Sigl on Telepolis

Alliant une bande-son extraordinaire et un design gothique Ă  souhait, The Path ne pourra certainement pas vous laisser insensible, il n’y a pas de juste milieu avec un titre de cette trempe : soit vous dĂ©testez dĂšs les premiers instants, soit vous accrochez et vous vous laissez emporter par cette expĂ©rience hors du commun.

Miniblob on Jeux Video

The Path is op geen enkele manier te vergelijken met andere games, maar biedt een uniek ervaring die je de kans geeft om na te denken over woorden en gebeurtenissen.

Erik Buckinx on 9 Lives

Het vergt soms wat geduld, maar ik merkte zelf dat deze trage loopstukjes vaak ook een mooi moment voor overdenking zijn. Momenten waarop je de beelden die je juist gezien hebt, probeert te duiden.

Erwin Bergervoet on

The Path Group on Steam

Now that we’re back and settling down, we’re making plans on how best to support The Path now it’s released. Putting plans into ACTION! For one thing, we’ve created an official group on Steam for the game. Behold!

The direct url is:

There seems to be some interesting features to the Group… Like seeing how many are playing. That’s nice, like playing the game all together as a big community. And there’s a chat room too, though that scares me.

We will use the group to keep Steam players informed about news and updates and such… And who knows what THAT may lead to… o_0b

Anyway, I hope all of you Steam players (and you know who you are) will come join the group and let’s see what that does, eh.