Our second retail release has just achieved Gold Master status. So soon, thanks to the lovely people at 1C, a Russian version of The Path will be available in stores in Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldavia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Edit: Release date is 11 December!
film still from “The Holy Mountain” by Alejandro Jodorowsky
When I saw this moment in the film I knew that this was the Attic of Grandmother’s House. You can visit the Attic in The Path when playing as Robin.
We’re working on several translations of The Path. Some of these will be released as a free patches (Danish, Spanish, French, Italian and Hungarian -with German in the works, and Dutch already included in the current release). All of these translations are made for free by friendly volunteers. Others are made together with friendly publishers, like the Polish translation recently released by Topware and the Russian translation by 1C, soon to be released. The Japanese translation is almost done as well. It should soon be available via Zoo. It wasn’t easy to get Quest3D to do Japanese text, but thanks to Arthur Roodenburg’s technical support, we’re getting there.
Just found this. Not sure when it was published. A lovely story by Heather Chaplin of her adventures in The Path. Well worth the read!
For me, The Path is about what a remarkably fine line it is that separates childhood from adulthood, innocence from cynicism, and how utterly not black-and-white most things in life are. It’s about the fact that, as much as we might like to believe otherwise, sometimes the places that should be the safest — figuratively, childhood and literally Grandma’s house — are actually the most dangerous; that sex can be both brutal and transcendendant; that females, at all stages of their girlhood, are vulnerable in a very particular way; and that there’s a certain inevitability to that vulnerability — no one gets through life without growing up. And sometimes growing up can be an experience that leaves you crumpled and nearly broken on the ground.
Dr. Jamie Tehrani, studied 35 versions of Little Red Riding Hood from around the world.
Whilst the European version tells the story of a little girl who is tricked by a wolf masquerading as her grandmother, in the Chinese version a tiger replaces the wolf.
In Iran, where it would be considered odd for a young girl to roam alone, the story features a little boy.
Contrary to the view that the tale originated in France shortly before Charles Perrault produced the first written version in the 17th century, Dr Tehrani found that the varients shared a common ancestor dating back more than 2,600 years.
He said: “Over time these folk tales have been subtly changed and have evolved just like an biological organism. Because many of them were not written down until much later, they have been misremembered or reinvented through hundreds of generations.
“By looking at how these folk tales have spread and changed it tells us something about human psychology and what sort of things we find memorable.
Read more at Telegraph…
Spotted along the highway in the North East of France.
The USB versions of The Path twice sold out, now it’s time for Edition 3. Featuring Special Edition wallpapers for your computer, work in progress videos, unreleased demos, and of course The Path game itself.
You can buy the USB edition via our online store for Mac or PC.
144 Days ago, The Path was released. Below is a graph of its sales.
The red line is PC sales from our own site, the blue line is Mac sales from our own site and the green line is sales on Steam.
The incredible spike on the right is last weekend’s “Top Indie Games” bundle. And even if our cut in those sales is a lot smaller, it’s still an amazing anniversary gift! 🙂
There is an upgrade available for The Path which fixes several reported issues and improves overall stability of the game.
These are the most important changes for the Mac version:
-fixed Raven visibility error
-Piano object is now available in the Forest if the Theater is not active
-New Game now resets Locators
-Load Game resets resolution saved with game
-game prefers video refresh rates of 60Hz
-additional options for setting resolution
-positions of objects with contexts are now consistent
-run speed is now consistent
-graffiti spray-painted on the Bunker is now visible
Mac users: good news, all you have to do is run the game and it should automatically update.
PC users: there is also an upgrade on the forum which resolves certain issues. Please see this forum thread for the download and other info. But you don’t need to upgrade if you are not experiencing any problems.
Steam users: you should also see an upgrade available.
Auriea was quite willful about which kind of car would be part of Ruby’s story. I never asked why. Must be something that happened in her former home of the United States of America, where these “muscle cars” were supposedly all the rage in the seventies.
Incidentally, this is one the objects in The Path that was modeled by the excellent team at Dragon-Fly Studio in Ukraine. Both the rusted and the wrecked version.