Archive Page 7

Story Trailer

May 7th, 2009 by Michael

This is our attempt at making a more traditional game trailer. I know: fail. 🙂 But we can try, can’t we? 😉

There’s surprise at the end for certain people who haven’t been able to play The Path yet…

Just teasing…

April 22nd, 2009 by Michael


Moving to the Mac

April 20th, 2009 by Michael

This is just to let you know that we’re working hard with Transgaming on making The Path work on Mac, through Cider. Sadly it is not as straightforward as we hoped for. A lot of elements in the game need to be hand-tuned to make them work on Mac. The biggest problems we’re having are graphic errors. Some things don’t show up or are rendered wrong. Some shaders don’t work properly.

But we’re solving these issues one by one. And the transatlantic collaboration is going well, despite of the big difference in time zone (Transgaming is based in Canada and we are in Belgium).

This conversion has our primary focus at the moment and we won’t stop until the Mac version of The Path is ready for release.

The Path is one month old!

April 18th, 2009 by Michael

It will be one month today since the launch of The Path.

The release itself was a celebration of our collaboration. It happened exactly 10 years after we met in person for the first time and launched our first collaborative project. And we launched The Path from a room in the same hotel in San Francisco (which in and of itself, spontaneously, turned into a sort of a re-enactment of something that happened -almost exactly- 40 years ago; it’s a small world).

Sorry, we’re kind of big on anniversaries around here. And small on coincidence.

To celebrate our little baby of one month, we will be staging an ABIOGENESIS festival in The Endless Forest at 9 PM, Belgian time. See you on Twin Gods Hill!

After which The Path will be offered exclusively to registered players of The Endless Forest for the anti-price of 6.66, the opposite of its normal price of 9.99 (keep an eye on incoming email!).

martha’s pictograms

April 13th, 2009 by Auriea

marthas pictograms

These are the original pictogram drawings, made by Michael’s daughter, Martha, 11. She wanted to help, so we gave her this most important concept art task :).
We based many of the pictogram icons in The Path on these.

Video review by and Fan Video extravaganza!

April 9th, 2009 by Auriea


love this. its a review of the game. in polish. may show you more than you want revealed if you plan on playing the game fresh. it is very well done and worth watching. They also did quite an extensive looking write up of the game.



GIW (from The Path) from Lainy Voom on Vimeo.

Looks like someone put a lot of love and a lot of time into making that video. Thanks a million Lainy, its beautiful!

One night in Amsterdam

April 5th, 2009 by Auriea

The Path was part of an exhibition at De Brakke Grond in Amsterdam. We were in the sates and couldn’t attend but we received this documentation from a friend ;).

by Gene Wolfe (ironically enough)

April 5th, 2009 by Auriea

The Path Group on Steam

April 3rd, 2009 by Auriea

Now that we’re back and settling down, we’re making plans on how best to support The Path now it’s released. Putting plans into ACTION! For one thing, we’ve created an official group on Steam for the game. Behold!

The direct url is:

There seems to be some interesting features to the Group… Like seeing how many are playing. That’s nice, like playing the game all together as a big community. And there’s a chat room too, though that scares me.

We will use the group to keep Steam players informed about news and updates and such… And who knows what THAT may lead to… o_0b

Anyway, I hope all of you Steam players (and you know who you are) will come join the group and let’s see what that does, eh.

The Path has been out for 2 weeks

April 2nd, 2009 by Michael

And this is what the sales graph looks like:

The Path sales - first 2 weeks

Nice for skiing!
But not so nice for everything else. Damn, those sale figures dropped quickly. And it’s not for lack of attention in press and such. Curious to see how Steam sales and sales from our own site have gotten close together. I wonder how that will continue.

Oh and for those who are interested in such things:

The Path sales - first 2 weeks - gender

I deduced the gender from the name of the customer. Not a very precise method, especially given the amount of names that I was unsure about. But still, one thing is clear: ladies, you’ve got some more work to do!