tester #5

November 7th, 2008 by Auriea

tester #5

Making this post a few days later so my recollections are not as fresh as with the other tester reports…
This player made me realise how immersive The Path can be. She came at 9 in the morning started playing around 10, after coffee. She was really eager to start playing! Told us she needed to leave around 2 in the afternoon. Before any of us realized, it was time for her to go. Time flew! I take that as a good sign. Seems one can play for a long period of time without getting fatigued or getting bored.
We had tackled many of the show stopping bugs of previous play sessions so she experienced no crashes at all! Yes! There was only one major glitch. And we noticed some issues with finding things in the forest that we will improve. She was able to play as each of the girls and gave us a really good chance to make lists of what we will need to put into a manual and what information we can convey through the game itself. As a casual gamer (she’d played many browser-based games, for example) she was able to give us insights as to what attracted her to our game. This is useful to know as we hope to market heavily to adults who think 3d video games are “for kids.”
I am very pleased by the variety of people we are having over for these testing days!