The Making of Fey Wolf

the nest is in the cemetary but the baby bird… have you seen it under the bed in the Children’s room? (when Ginger climbs under there.) I know it’s hard to see. I wish I’d had the skill to make the scenes under the bed more interesting. I wanted something to appear to be chasing you. But we didn’t get to do that.
and the knife. any girl can pick it up and it gives access to the Kitchen of Grandmothers house, where you see it again on the kitchen table. and which I’ve brought up before.
footage from the very very first working prototype of game structure. re-using the girl in white model from 8. shows the way we work. we like to build the game as soon as possible to get a feel for things and then the real design work can begin.
muuuuuch later on. this was a prototype we built to examine character interaction. you can still see the first control interface in this one where characters are directed via buttons on screen. this also contains the experiment we did with a dance game. (i’m still sad we didn’t work that in to the final game somehow.)
there you have it. two ugly game prototypes. it’s all part of the process.
tag: apartment
Well, really its just a set we’re uploading on Flickr. It contains treasured bits and pieces from our computers from the development of the game. Sketches, screenshots, little movies, whatever.
Part 2 of our ongoing postmortem is about the design of the game and some of the process we went through to get to what The Path became. The archive is the same story in images.
Thanks to Susanne Laws, we’ve been able to add a German translation to the language patch. Still in beta. So please download the patch and let us know if you find any errors.
(The patch also contains The Path texts in Dutch, Danish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.)
Thanks to the hard work of many volunteers, The Path can now be played in several different languages. Next to the original English version and our own Dutch translation, which were part of the game at launch, a new patch will now allow you to play The Path in
Please download a beta version of the free language patch and post or mail any errors you might find.
A Polish and a Russian translation are commercially available through 1C and Topware (or the latter also in our store). A Japanese translation will be published by Zoo.
Additionally German, Korean, Arabic and Czech translations are currently being developed and will be added to the language patch when they are done.
Also, if you’re a native speaker of a language not mentioned in this post, and you think you could come up with fitting translations for the Red Girls’ poetic thoughts, please send a message to reception at, explaining why you think you’re qualified. 🙂
We’re working on several translations of The Path. Some of these will be released as a free patches (Danish, Spanish, French, Italian and Hungarian -with German in the works, and Dutch already included in the current release). All of these translations are made for free by friendly volunteers. Others are made together with friendly publishers, like the Polish translation recently released by Topware and the Russian translation by 1C, soon to be released. The Japanese translation is almost done as well. It should soon be available via Zoo. It wasn’t easy to get Quest3D to do Japanese text, but thanks to Arthur Roodenburg’s technical support, we’re getting there.
I spent today working on all the orders we’ve received through the store, and I’m still not done. That’s a lot of orders! Thank you to everyone who purchaced something in the last week!
The biggest job has been deciding what to do with the Mac USB Edition…. because I wanted to make it look *special* when you open the disk and see all the files. Just window dressing and file selection, but amazing how much time those decisions take. Not to mention re-exporting all the videos to be in a more Mac-friendly format than we’ve been producing. :p But yeah, things will be mailed out to you either tomorrow or Saturday!
These are the original pictogram drawings, made by Michael’s daughter, Martha, 11. She wanted to help, so we gave her this most important concept art task :).
We based many of the pictogram icons in The Path on these.