We’re working on several translations of The Path. Some of these will be released as a free patches (Danish, Spanish, French, Italian and Hungarian -with German in the works, and Dutch already included in the current release). All of these translations are made for free by friendly volunteers. Others are made together with friendly publishers, like the Polish translation recently released by Topware and the Russian translation by 1C, soon to be released. The Japanese translation is almost done as well. It should soon be available via Zoo. It wasn’t easy to get Quest3D to do Japanese text, but thanks to Arthur Roodenburg’s technical support, we’re getting there.
Just found this. Not sure when it was published. A lovely story by Heather Chaplin of her adventures in The Path. Well worth the read!
For me, The Path is about what a remarkably fine line it is that separates childhood from adulthood, innocence from cynicism, and how utterly not black-and-white most things in life are. It’s about the fact that, as much as we might like to believe otherwise, sometimes the places that should be the safest — figuratively, childhood and literally Grandma’s house — are actually the most dangerous; that sex can be both brutal and transcendendant; that females, at all stages of their girlhood, are vulnerable in a very particular way; and that there’s a certain inevitability to that vulnerability — no one gets through life without growing up. And sometimes growing up can be an experience that leaves you crumpled and nearly broken on the ground.