And this is what the sales graph looks like:

Nice for skiing!
But not so nice for everything else. Damn, those sale figures dropped quickly. And it’s not for lack of attention in press and such. Curious to see how Steam sales and sales from our own site have gotten close together. I wonder how that will continue.
Oh and for those who are interested in such things:

I deduced the gender from the name of the customer. Not a very precise method, especially given the amount of names that I was unsure about. But still, one thing is clear: ladies, you’ve got some more work to do!
It has begun.

All orders bought on or before April 1st through the Tale of Tales store have been mailed out, just now, by us. And we will be mailing things out weekly from now on.
Big THANK YOU to everyone who ordered! We packaged everything up nice :). While we were doing it we had a thought… Why don’t we sign the posters? so we did. Hope you like that. Since you didn’t know, we kept it simple.
this got us thinking… “Why don’t we have a Poster Sale?”
So we are!
Every month we will discount 2 of the girl posters and send them to you signed, in silver ink. Trust us, its pretty, i’ll draw a little pictogram on there, just for you. 😉
The entire month of April Robin and Rose can be yours for the lowered cost of €18. 😀
The USB sticks are going fast! If you have an interest in seeing work in progress outtakes from The Path and the (in)famous early interactive demo with a dance-off between Ruby and Charming Wolf, I suggest you go for it now. 😉