The Path will be released on March 18th!
So, can you help us spread the word about this game? This labour of love? This THING we call The PATH?
YES. there’s something you can do….
We’ve been uploading teaser videos to various online channels.
We started a Youtube page where we’re taleoftalestv (friend us if you’re on there!)
We have them up on our taleoftales Vimeo page.
And also over at my flickr account.
All you have to do is SHARE these videos as much as you like.
Paste them in your blog, tell your friends to share them on their websites, link to them on web forums.
There are still many people who know nothing of our work here. We want to let them know. It’s gonna be a great game, one which we hope will find the people who will appreciate it. With your help it can happen!
Here are the 3 teasers so far… there will be more.
There are also the shareable video portraits of each of the Red Girls over on the newly launched website And coming soon, a full gameplay trailer!

If you think you know people who will love the game, tell them about it!
thank you! 😉