Archive for March 19th, 2009
Posters post
Here are the results of the little photoshoot I mentioned last week. Our model did a fabulous job, never fearful of spiders, willing to lay down in the mud and hold giant posters in the blowing wind like a pro. 😉
Several of these are used as product shots in the store but since I didn’t have room there for them all, thought I’d post ’em here too.
and lets face it, me and Michael are totally jet-lagged and excited… can’t sleep, might as well upload images to flickr, right. 😉
The Path is available NOW!
We landed in San Francisco just a few short hours ago. We got to the hotel and hour before the planned 9pm launch time and spent the last 15 minutes staring at the clock. Time seemed to go so much slower while we were waiting!
But I am super pleased to announce,
also our online store for physical souveniers of The Path (posters, cards, USB sticks) is OPEN too!
Thank you for supporting indie games! 🙂