To live love.

Michaël Samyn, March 2, 2012

When we fall in love, we are overwhelmed with strong emotions, we feel so very much alive. The blood races through our veins, we are short of breath. And we don’t mind if other people see us cry -in fact we’re secretly proud of our deep emotions.

But this intensity never lasts. It couldn’t. It would probably kill us.

Most love stories are about this period, the beginning of a relationship, about falling in love. Bientôt l’été is no exception. But I still hope to capture part of what it means to be in love, to love. Steadily, far away from the distractions of falling in love.

To be grounded in life, to live with love as a permanent presence, a tenderness that makes us feel at home. And a little bit sad too, somehow. A smile holding back tears. We know that even this will not last forever. But it’s the very best we can do in life.

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