The last art game.
Michaël Samyn, July 17, 2012
I think Bientôt l’été wil be the last art game I will make. I’m kind of sick of being an artist. And Bientôt l’été has offered me sufficient opportunity for narcissism. I think I can do without for a while now. Maybe for the rest of my life.
I feel that with Bientôt l’été I will have said all I have to say as an artist. I’m very happy to have this opportunity. But after this I will be empty.
I will not stop creating. I have many plans. But I want to make things for other people now, not for myself or for how I think people should be. In a way this is far scarier than making art. If people don’t like your art, you can always think that they don’t get it or that it’s not to their taste or that it’s simply art for a small elite. As an artist you can afford to be mean spirited and contrary.
But if you make things for people, with the express purpose that they would enjoy them, if you try to give people beauty and then they reject your work. Ouch! That must hurt. I hope it doesn’t happen to me.
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