Reach and size.

Michaël Samyn, July 21, 2012

One of the nice things about making art is that size doesn’t matter. You can make a tiny work of art for just a few people and it’s perfectly satisfying.

But is this still true when working in a popular medium and embracing it as such? I imagine it would be utterly unsatisfying to make easily accessible work and then have only a small number of people play it. When creating work with the potential of appealing to many people, you sort of have the obligation to try and reach all those people too.

That can be an expensive project. A small art project can be a bit broken. But when working in a less elitist sphere, the piece just has to function properly, technically and artistically. It just has to work. So people are not confused. So they get the work, on a first try, without effort or preparation.

This is entirely possible but it takes considerable effort and the accompanying cost. I’m attracted to the challenge. But I’m also still drawn to small projects that you make one day and publish the next. My love of early websites may never go away.

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