Preparing for non-success.

Michaël Samyn, August 23, 2012

I was disappointed not to find Bientôt l’été among the Indiecade finalists. But I guess this is a healthy reminder of the fact that I’m not working on a popular game. Despite my new found desire to engage in such a project in the future, Bientôt l’été is not it.

Good thing too. In a way it’s easier to make art than it is to make entertainment. When you make art, all you need to do is be sincere. Your primary goal is not communication but honesty and precision. Art is closer to science than to entertainment in this way. Art will also chose truth over a simple story. Even if that truth is difficult to understand or appreciate. If the result ends up being unpopular, you can safely blame the audience, the context, the times, etc.

When making entertainment, however, you aim to please. And whether your work pleases or not is directly expressed by the audience’s response. If they don’t like it, you have failed. There’s nothing else to blame but yourself.

Not that I think Bientôt l’été is some sort of untouchable magical artistic masterpiece. I can definitely see its weaknesses. And I can understand that for some people these weaknesses might be deal breakers. Not for me, though. I’m in love with this piece. And I love everyone who loves it.

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