Non-subversive art.

Michaël Samyn, July 27, 2012

Modern art, contemporary art works quite well when it offers an alternative to a conservative mainstream. This is what happened in the early 20th century. Salon figuration and even forms of classicism were still very much alive when cubism and constructivism and dada and De Stijl happened.

But now that modern art has become the mainstream it has lost much of its charm. There is nothing to rebel against anymore. Yet modern art is stuck in some weird state of permanent revolution. Hence to constant “redefining” of art, or the “subversion”, or all the “post” genres. Contemporary art feels like it continuously needs to question itself, to question what art is, and what its place is in society.

But I know what art is. And I just want to make art now. This stuff is difficult enough without questioning it or subverting it. I know what art can mean to people and I just want to make that. Not for any sort of elite that enjoys subversion (of nothing). But for as many people as possible. And I think videogames are the most suitable medium for this. Even if these videogames need to stop being “games” in order to really reach people.

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