No revolutions.

Michaël Samyn, September 28, 2012

An article about us like this makes us seem like insane, arrogant, revolutionary, etc. And while I cannot deny any of the words in such an article, I don’t really recognize myself much in the emotional tone of it.

I’m a hardworking rather boring person. My only real vice is an obsession with work. But I schedule it very well so that it all feels orderly and controlled. There’s no chaos here, no surprises.

Maybe the way in which our work deviates from the norm makes it seem revolutionary. But that is hardly the spirit in which it is created. We simply try to make beautiful things. And we are continuously frustrated by our lack of talent and skills to really realize our dreams. So we work hard and learn all the time.

We have no desire to make things that other people are already making. But that is not the same as actively going against the grain. We can’t help it that we both don’t like most games and really love this medium.

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