How to know beforehand?

Michaël Samyn, August 26, 2012

It’s frustrating how clearly I can judge the design of Bientôt l’été now. I know exactly what I would keep and what I would leave out. Why do I not see these things at the beginning of a project?

If I compare with the new projects we’re starting up, one of the reasons is probably uncontrolled enthusiasm about the concept. The idea itself is so exciting that practical execution seems like a minute issue. This is a mistake, though. Practical execution is everything. Ideas are worthless.

Another reason is probably that I have learned a lot during this project, and I am simply not the same designer any more. What seemed like a good idea six months ago, I now consider to be silly. Because I have learned a bit about me, a little bit about the public and a bit more about how to design towards that illusive dream about this medium. Or at least changed position a little, if only for a while, if only as an experiment.

Ironically, Bientôt l’été is already an old project for me. I’m almost starting to become nostalgic about it. We’ve spent so much good time together. And it’s not even finished yet. So I’ll take good care of it before I let it go. It almost feels like its birth will be a burial.

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