Exploring inadequacy.
Michaël Samyn, April 9, 2012
Forcing English speakers, or Dutch speakers like myself, to say the French title of this game puts them, us, in a position of weakness, of inadequacy. Duras often explores inadequacy. And my own indulgence in making this personal game puts me in a vulnerable position.
So maybe that’s what Bientôt l’été is about? Against the grain of always being the best we can be, seeing the most spectacular, experiencing the most awesome, maybe this is an exploration of imperfection, of inadequacy, of hesitation, of insecurity.
Not to wallow in misery and self pity, but to discover the melancholic beauty of insufficiency, the enchanting nobility of fragility. The comfort we find when realizing that the other feels as awkward as we do, and the laughs we can share about it. After which we fall silent again, looking away, a tiny tear in the eye, we softly swallow, and smile. The sun is rising.
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