Elitist Crap in the Age of Following and Liking.

Michaël Samyn, March 1, 2012

Sometimes it feels strange to be working on something that I doubt will find a large audience. It feels wasteful to be spending so much energy on something only a small group will appreciate. Not to mention self-indulgent, self-important.

There seems to be a correlation between popularity and convention. The more popular something is, the more conventional it turns out to be. I’m not opposed to many conventions. I quite enjoy them, like everybody else. But creatively I get impatient with building things that have already been built before, and much better than I ever could.

Some of our games are more popular than others. The ones that sit more comfortably with the conventions of the medium. Bientôt l’été will not be one if those.

Sometimes I wonder what the point is of making something that only myself and a handful of people will enjoy.

I guess such things contribute to diversity. And I do find diversity important. Especially now, in a time of Following and Liking, when we’ve all become numbers to each other. Maybe Bientôt l’été, simply by existing -even if not many play it-, can function as a reminder of being human. Which is not necessarily something lofty, something grand. But it is more than being a number.

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