
Michaël Samyn, May 14, 2012

We just submitted a work in progress build of Bientôt l’été to IndieCade. The festival takes place around the release date of the game. So a selection would be nice promotion. Fingers crossed.

But having played some Bientôt l’été yesterday -admittedly only for testing and making screengrabs- my heart is now filled with doubt. Why do I always have to make these weird things? Next time I really should just make something that I know people will just like. Doesn’t have to be candy coated rubbish. Just something that pulls some strings that I know people who play videogames have.

Maybe I’m getting too old to still be amused by the barrage of WTFs every time we release a game. Or, maybe things have really changed in games now! But I have a feeling that instead of enjoying the current goodwill towards non-gamey games, Bientôt l’été takes things yet another few steps further. Into no man’s land.

It’s of course entirely possible that Bientôt l’été is no good. Not just too experimental or too strange, but simply not entertaining, not beautiful, not meaningful. Maybe I suck as an artist. Or I had a bad day when I thought up this game.

Or maybe I haven’t had enough sleep lately and I just need hugs.

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