Characters, virtual actors.
Michaël Samyn, September 13, 2012
All the animations that Laura Smith is making for Homme and Femme in Bientôt l’été make me want to create more games with the same characters. Why bother designing new characters for every game? Maybe we should think of them as actors and have them re-appear in multiple situations.
I guess we do something like that with the Girl in White. She made her first appearance in the original 8, then appeared in The Path and is now coming back in the remake of 8. And we have plans for her in other games too.
But every time she appears, we make a new model. And all animations need to be redone. That makes sense, though, because she’s a different age every time.
Femme and Homme could remain the same age. Their attire was specifically designed for the seaside situation. So that might need to change anyway. Although. It would be interesting to play with these characters, and even similar controls (like they always look away from the camera), in different situations.
Ah! If only game making were simpler. Then we could play with such ideas!
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