Comfortable crunch.
This might be a very busy time in the project, preparing a build of Bientôt l’été for IndieCade. But it’s also an easy time. Finally I have a sense of what this game will be. And I’m just working to implement everything needed for that to become a reality.
I have a long but very concrete to do list. So I’m just going down the list. Easy! It feels comfortable to know what I am doing, for a change. Not that there’s no new issues to deal with all the time. But it’s different from not knowing what you’re making at all and doubting everything.
I don’t think I like prototyping very much. The uncertainty that comes with it is unpleasant. I know it’s important to have a healthy measure of doubt when you’re creating. But in truth, I much prefer to just make something and risk utter failure, than to break my head over how to do it right. But then again, I have been known to do things that I didn’t like doing too. I’m kind of obsessed with getting results. The idea that the journey would be more important than the destination, is not something I adhere to much in my work.
So, yes, I know what Bientôt l’été is going to be. It’s a strange project. On the one hand, it’s a very modest and quaint little art game. There’s not much going on, neither in terms of story or in terms of play. And yet, on the other, it’s very rich. There’s a single player part and a online dual player part. There’s lots of text, all voice acted by two actors, and subtitled in three languages. There’s beautiful music. There’s two fully developed 3D interactive animated characters. You can choose your avatar. I still want to make an iPad extension to the game. And there’s a whole solar system, of course.
This looks like a list of disparate elements. But it all hangs together very well, I find. The fact that some aspects of previously unfinished projects have snuck in probably helps my confidence. It feels like we’re building something that we have been wanting to make for a while. I look forward to playing it!
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