Calm after the storm.
Michaël Samyn, July 14, 2012
Having pre-orders that allow access to an unfinished version of the game removes some of the nervousness I tend to feel before release. Usually I’m very eager to show our work to the world. This is probably one of the reasons why we are so good with deadlines. It’s not that we’re that great at scheduling. We’re simply very curious to hear what people think of what we’ve made.
I do want to get Bientôt l’été out of the door. If only because I want to move on to the next project. But I’m a lot more relaxed about it than usual. And if I need more time to get the game sufficiently polished, I will take it. And I won’t let that stop me from starting other projects anyway.
The people whose opinion I’m most eager to hear already have access to the game. It’s nice if other people can have a look as well. And they will. All in good time.
Of course the current alpha is not finished. But when is a game ever finished? The bulk is there. The finished version will be better. But not radically different. So the responses we get now should be representative of how the final release will new received. And I’m quite satisfied.
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