Blogging every day.
Michaël Samyn, August 10, 2012
I have been posting to this blog daily for almost half a year now. All posts in some way related to Bientôt l’été, some more remotely, and some even more to what I want to do after this project. Forcing myself to post daily is not the ideal method for producing quality writing. But it has been an interesting experiment.
I started with the idea of sharing the development of the design of the game. I wanted to document the changes a design goes through, so that readers -including myself- would understand better how that works. But the blog has become a lot more. It has become a record of my doubts and uncertainty, my fear of obscurity, as much as an attempt at expressing the emotional process from inspiration to programming. And I have ventured into speculations and theories about videogames as a medium.
Sitting down every day to write something about this project has made me realize a lot of things. Not so much about this particular game perhaps, which still remains something of a mystery to me, but about what I want as a designer, as an artist. Forcing oneself to express feelings and ideas in words really helps clear one’s head. I’m not entirely convinced that this clarity will lead to the best creative results. But I like this new feeling of confidence, especially since it came out of a process of intuition and self-doubt.
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