Art and entertainment.

Michaël Samyn, November 5, 2012

Following the logic from the previous post, I need to conclude that artistic games will always be slow and contain very minimal (inter)activity. Which is not entirely dissimilar to the situation in other media in which both entertainment and art are created. Rock and roll tends to be active and exciting. Classical music calm and complex. Action movies are fast and clear. Art films are slow and confusing. Adventure books and comic strips are spectacular and engaging. Literature and poetry are often modest and a bit alienating.

Obviously we can all enjoy both. In fact, art, since it requires such an effort, is often the least attractive option to pass some leisure time. As a result, we might actually spend more time with entertainment. Yet it is the art that matters most and makes the deepest impressions and makes us who we are. If this applies to most, then it follows that we need a lot more entertainment than art.

But I do feel that the entertainment needs the art in any medium. If only to explore and thus rejuvenate and expand. Even if nobody in the public would see the art directly, they would witness its indirect effects in entertainment. Unless even the creators of such entertainment reject the art. Then the medium atrophies.

Luckily sensible people make room in their lives for both. I can’t imagine living on this planet without experiencing art once in a while. That seems like a waste of a life time.

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