Good enough.

Michaël Samyn, October 10, 2012

For a while, I have been thinking that the lack of massive critical success of our work was due to the fact that it wasn’t good enough. That one day we would make something that would be so good that everyone would appreciate it. I don’t believe that anymore.

Our work is “good enough”. It’s damn good, in fact. It’s just not for everyone. And if we were to make a game that everybody likes, it would simply be another type of work, something that is easier to love. Better made? Perhaps, in that way that widely appreciated things are well made.

But if I search my own soul for things that I love, I don’t see such things at the top. I see messy things, adventurous things, flawed things. Things like, I guess Bientôt l’été.

I’m also in deep doubt whether videogames is still a relevant context for our work. More and more good games are appearing that have nothing to do with what I am looking for in the medium. I cannot deny that they are good. They are just not my taste. They don’t move me. And they take attention away from our work. Probably appropriately so. Because they fit much better in the tradition of games.

I would like to play a “home match” for a change. Present our work in a context where most people appreciate it. There certainly are enough people in the world for that to be possible. They just don’t happen to be united under a “games” banner.

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