Untold stories.
Michaël Samyn, September 19, 2012
There is no story in Bientôt l’été. But there are elements that could be featured in stories. It is possible to imagine stories about them. This possibility brings a kind of joy. Not the imagining as such, let alone the execution of such fantasies, but the pure potential.
There’s something beautiful about a story that isn’t told. We see the object, it looks like it could mean something, but we do not know what. We don’t need to know. In fact, knowing would destroy the pleasure. If only because this would collapse the possibility space.
An untold story is richer than a told story. This must be why this medium seems so suitable for the kind of art I tend to create. We can just create existences. We don’t need histories, stories, explanations, meaning. Just things. In all their mute mystery. The beauty of being.
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