No easy progress.

Michaël Samyn, August 29, 2012

The idea of videogames as a medium has certainly not won over all hearts yet. The desire for game-like videogames, and indeed even non-video games, has never been as strong as now. This is fine and understandable in and of itself. But it’s also kind of lazy and, sorry, childish.

But maybe the games industry has ultimately no interest in becoming as broad as to allow one strand of it to be a medium, while many others go off in different game directions. Maybe this medium truly is too new, too disruptive to fit within the old industry and its rigid academic supporters and fun-loving journalistic fans.

This would be a pity. Because I don’t feel the distinction is so great. But maybe there simply is a line that cannot be crossed, no matter how much it can be bent. We would be doing ourselves, and humanity, a disservice not to recognize this if it is the case. There’s no point in stubbornly hoping to be accepted by an industry that has no interest in expanding in our direction. We had better go our own way, then.

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