
Michaël Samyn, June 28, 2012

I thought this would never happen, but I’m starting to feel a little bit confident as a designer. As I’m reading through the comments and ideas that players of the alpha build of Bientôt l’été are so generously sharing, it surprises me how clear my opinions about them are. They’re all good suggestions, since the people currently playing the game are thoughtful and interested in more artistic uses of the medium (in other words nobody has suggested inclusion of a shotgun and zombies, not even as a joke). But it is very clear to me which suggestions work in my vision and which don’t.

Up until now, I was so insecure as a designer that I felt I had to program everything myself. I needed total control over the creation. But I have been considering another type of creation, where my role is more that of a director. And realizing that I now am able to discern between ideas gives me great confidence that such an approach might actually work, in a future project.

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