An experiment

Michaël Samyn, February 20, 2012

I have started this blog to post all sorts of things that come up during the production of our new game Bientôt l’été. I will try to post something every day. This will give insight into our development process and hopefully get you interested in the final result.

We are usually somewhat shy about sharing details of our games before they are done, simply because we create them in such a non-linear, sometimes chaotic fashion. For all our talk about using this medium to express something, the actual production process is far less under our control than we might want. We always change our minds about certain ideas even after we felt quite sure about them. And then after we have rejected them, sometimes we can’t help coming back to them. As a result, we really can’t tell what the game we are making will be like, until it is published.

So you will see all sorts of things on this blog that will never make it into the final product. Some of these might be things that you (and we) really like. So not seeing these in the final game may lead to disappointment. That’s a risk we’re taking with this experiment.

On the other hand, we hope that what we talk about here will arouse your excitement about our new project, and stimulate you to share your feelings with your friends. Because, even though Bientôt l’été is not intended for a mass audience, we would like for it to reach all the fine people who might have a taste for it.

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