Ocean observations.
The Pacific Ocean in Venice, Los Angeles, is oriented in the same direction as the North Sea that was the model for the beach in Bientôt l’été. It’s also a West coast. Meaning that the sun sets in it and it is lit from the opposite side in the morning.
But it’s very different in other respects. Where the waves on the North Sea form a complex choreography that starts already far from the shore, here the water surface is calm overall but for a narrow strip near the beach. As if to compensate, the waves are often much bigger than those in Belgium and the North of France.
Since the dizzying dance of the North Sea waves that inspired Bientôt l’été is missing here, I wonder if people who are more familiar with this type of coast will be able to appreciate the reference in the game.
Another difference is the air. Breathing along the North Sea is exhilarating. There is a very distinct smell to the sea water and breathing too deeply can make your head spin. Here, the smell is much more faint.
And then there’s the sound. The much more chaotic wave patterns combined with unrelenting strong winds make of North Sea beaches very noisy affairs. You often have to scream to one another to be able to understand. Not here. When a wave crashes, you certainly hear it. But then it subdues. It becomes so quiet that you can hear the foam fizzing on the sand.
The seagulls too are quiet things here. While in Europe, the screaming of the gulls sends mortifying chills down your bones, here a gentle peep once in a while is all you get out of them.
I guess I’m starting to understand what is so pacific about this ocean.
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