The main reason why Bientôt l’été will be in French is that I find it important to point out that different cultures exist. For the same reason, the song in The Graveyard is in Flemish, the language spoken in the part of Belgium where I live. In the Anglo-Saxon corner of the internet that I inhabit, one may sometimes get the impression that we all share the same culture, that the only difference is that Americans and Brits are smart and everybody else is stupid, since they talk funny.
But there’s another reason for this specific choice. I decided to do the game in French when the Flemish nationalist party won the elections. They won because they succeeded in rekindling the ancient hatred in Flanders of Wallonia, the French speaking part of Belgium. In line with the global trend of fundamentalism and populism that plagues our post-modern politics, this is hardly remarkable. But I live here and I find the situation incredibly petty and sad.
So, in protest, I started taking French lessons again, even considered moving to Wallonia and decided to celebrate the beauty of the French language in a videogame. Amusingly, the arts funding for this project comes from the Flemish government, since some genius in the past figured it would be a good idea to split these things up in our already tiny country. Of course most artists oppose this segregation, but what do they know about culture?
The most painful part if all this is that I come from a family of Flemish nationalists, and that they don’t see how their anti-immigrant attitudes are rather upsetting to somebody married to one.
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